Ecco qua una guida completa di prezzi! Da specificare che molte sono stradali, quindi leggete bene, poi chi non capisce l inglese a disposizione per chiarimenti! Vedremmo delle belle sorprese! Voi cosa ne pensate?
Afghanistan:$30 to $60
Albania: $50 for one hour with escort
Argentina: $30 with a street hooker
Australia:$150 per hour for Asian woman, $300 for Caucasian woman
Austria: $75 for quick sex at the brothel
Bangladesh:$0.60 to $3
Brazil:$5.50 for young girl in ghetto
Brazil - Brothel (Rio):$60 entry fee at Centaurus
Brazil - Vila Mimosa, Rio:$20
Belarus: $70 one hour at the brothel
Belgium: $35-70 at the Red Light District
Belize: $20 starting price in brothels
Brazil: $10 streetwalker in Ghetto
Bulgaria:$25 for a gypsy street hooker
Cambodia: at the RDL takeaway, at around US$15-25 for a ‘short time’ or up to US$50 for all night.
Canada - $50 street prostitute (most are aboriginal), $250-$350 one hour with escort
China - Beijing:$100 to $400 for Escort agency
China - Hotel Spa:$130
China - Shanghai:$650 to $1,600
Chile $25 sex at the massage parlor
Colombia:$200 with Virgin Girl
Costa Rica: $30 Young street hooker
Croatia: $80 escort in a private apartment
Cuba: $20-40 for quickie and $50-150 for all night
Cyprus: $70-80 in the brothels at the northern side of Cyprus.
Denmark:$150 to $200 per hour for escort/prostitute
Dubai:$80 to $150 in studio flat
Egypt:$200-400 for Tourists & under $20 for locals
Estonia:$30-40 street hooker & $80-100 one hour private apartament prostitute
Finland- $250-350 for one hour with escort or $70-100 quickie with a street hooker
France- Cannes:Up to $40,000 a night
Germany: $40-$65 at the Red Light Districts.
Greece:$15 to $20 with HIV Positive Girl, $35-$50 in a brothel
Hong Kong:$40 in a one-room brothel to $232 in hostess bar
Hungary: $30-40 prostitute from the street
India:$1,000 for virgin, $1-$4 for adult
India - Kolkata, Calcutta Prostitute Earnings:$2 per day
India - Online: up to $500 for two hours
Indonesia - Earnings for Prostitute:$784 to $1,120 per month
Iran: $20-50 depending the area. Sex Prices in Iran vary a lot.
Iraq:$100 per session / $200 per night
Ireland:$45 to $130 charged by male prostitutes
Ireland -Limerick:$107 to $133 online, $40 to $66 street price.
Italy - Gypsy street hooker on the highway roadside $30 for quickie
Japan:$125 for 60 minutes with a South Korean prostitute
Japan - $100 for sex with younger girls.
Jordan: up to$1,000 for Filipino Woman.
Kenya:$5-25 for sex with young Rwandan or Ugandan girl.
Kurdistan:$150 in Iraq side, cheaper in other Kurdish areas.
Kuwait: $500-$700 for couple hours.
Latvia $50 for in-call hooker.
Lithuania $30-40 for a street prostitute.
Madagascar:$15 for one session with young girl
Maldives:$10 for young girl
Mali:$2-$4 for a young hooker.
Malaysia:$100 for sex with young girl
Mexico: $30 for a room and a prostitute for a tourist
Moldova: $30 from the street
Monaco $6000-12000 for all night luxury escort.
Morocco: In Rabat prices start from $25
Nepal: about $20-25 for street hooker.
Netherlands - Amsterdam: $45-$70 for 15 minutes
Nepal: as little as few dollars for sex with a Nepalese hooker
Ucraine: da 128 dollari per una che parla lingue stranieri??????? Mah, il buon @master ci insegna che costano anche 30 euro, e poi certe che vengono come pay diventano free e parlano benissimo al microfono di master, visto ieri su whatts app ahhahahahahahahahah
anni fa anche le rumene che facevano blowjob a 5 euro in una piscina pubblica estiva, naturalmente si appartavano in zone non visibili dagli altri bagnanti.......
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09/10/2014 | 04:29
Bucharest | 26-35
Ecco qua una guida completa di prezzi! Da specificare che molte sono stradali, quindi leggete bene, poi chi non capisce l inglese a disposizione per chiarimenti! Vedremmo delle belle sorprese! Voi cosa ne pensate?
Afghanistan:$30 to $60
Albania: $50 for one hour with escort
Argentina: $30 with a street hooker
Australia:$150 per hour for Asian woman, $300 for Caucasian woman
Austria: $75 for quick sex at the brothel
Bangladesh:$0.60 to $3
Brazil:$5.50 for young girl in ghetto
Brazil - Brothel (Rio):$60 entry fee at Centaurus
Brazil - Vila Mimosa, Rio:$20
Belarus: $70 one hour at the brothel
Belgium: $35-70 at the Red Light District
Belize: $20 starting price in brothels
Brazil: $10 streetwalker in Ghetto
Bulgaria:$25 for a gypsy street hooker
Cambodia: at the RDL takeaway, at around US$15-25 for a ‘short time’ or up to US$50 for all night.
Canada - $50 street prostitute (most are aboriginal), $250-$350 one hour with escort
China - Beijing:$100 to $400 for Escort agency
China - Hotel Spa:$130
China - Shanghai:$650 to $1,600
Chile $25 sex at the massage parlor
Colombia:$200 with Virgin Girl
Costa Rica: $30 Young street hooker
Croatia: $80 escort in a private apartment
Cuba: $20-40 for quickie and $50-150 for all night
Cyprus: $70-80 in the brothels at the northern side of Cyprus.
Denmark:$150 to $200 per hour for escort/prostitute
Dubai:$80 to $150 in studio flat
Egypt:$200-400 for Tourists & under $20 for locals
Estonia:$30-40 street hooker & $80-100 one hour private apartament prostitute
Finland- $250-350 for one hour with escort or $70-100 quickie with a street hooker
France- Cannes:Up to $40,000 a night
Germany: $40-$65 at the Red Light Districts.
Greece:$15 to $20 with HIV Positive Girl, $35-$50 in a brothel
Hong Kong:$40 in a one-room brothel to $232 in hostess bar
Hungary: $30-40 prostitute from the street
India:$1,000 for virgin, $1-$4 for adult
India - Kolkata, Calcutta Prostitute Earnings:$2 per day
India - Online: up to $500 for two hours
Indonesia - Earnings for Prostitute:$784 to $1,120 per month
Iran: $20-50 depending the area. Sex Prices in Iran vary a lot.
Iraq:$100 per session / $200 per night
Ireland:$45 to $130 charged by male prostitutes
Ireland -Limerick:$107 to $133 online, $40 to $66 street price.
Italy - Gypsy street hooker on the highway roadside $30 for quickie
Japan:$125 for 60 minutes with a South Korean prostitute
Japan - $100 for sex with younger girls.
Jordan: up to$1,000 for Filipino Woman.
Kenya:$5-25 for sex with young Rwandan or Ugandan girl.
Kurdistan:$150 in Iraq side, cheaper in other Kurdish areas.
Kuwait: $500-$700 for couple hours.
Latvia $50 for in-call hooker.
Lithuania $30-40 for a street prostitute.
Madagascar:$15 for one session with young girl
Maldives:$10 for young girl
Mali:$2-$4 for a young hooker.
Malaysia:$100 for sex with young girl
Mexico: $30 for a room and a prostitute for a tourist
Moldova: $30 from the street
Monaco $6000-12000 for all night luxury escort.
Morocco: In Rabat prices start from $25
Nepal: about $20-25 for street hooker.
Netherlands - Amsterdam: $45-$70 for 15 minutes
Nepal: as little as few dollars for sex with a Nepalese hooker
Nigerian women in Italy:$13 per transaction
Nigerian women in Ivory Coast:$2 per act
Norway: $10-$50 (African street girls) $250 (online incall, mostly Eastern Europeans), $400 (Native Norwegian girls)
Oman: $25-35 for a short time and $150 for a long time with Chinese prostitutes.
Pakistan: $6 starting price for locals, tourist pay more
Panama: $200 to $300 for a strip club take out girl.
Peru: $50 for hour in a brothel
Philippines - Subic Bay:$35
Poland $40 for a fuck in a brothel
Portugal: $35 quickie with a black hooker
Qatar: $55-80 for a girl from the bar
Republic of Macedonia: $20 quickie with a street prostitute.
Romania: $25-30 street prostitute
Russia $60-100 for one hour in a brothel
Scotland:As low as $48
Singapore:$25,000 for 3-day tour
Singapore - Young girl:$47 to $55
Singapore - Online:$111 to $119 for 90 minutes
South Korea - Southern Seoul:$117
South Korea - young Girl:$275
Spain: $35 with a black street whore in Madrid
Suriname:One gram of gold
Switzerland:Union minimum of $100
Syrian Women:$7 at refugee camp
Taiwan:$344 for South Korean Prostitute
Thailand $30-$60 with a bargirl
Turkey:$500 for VIP service & $20 at Red-light district
Tunisia $15-$25 in the red light district
Ukraine:$124 to $248 for foreign language speaking prostitute
United Kingdom - Street Prostitute:$30
United States:$40 to $100 for street prostitute
United States - High-End Escort in Indianapolis:$500 per hour
United States - High-End Escort in NYC:$10,000 a night
United States - Legal Brothel in Nevada:$200 to $600
United States - Massage Parlor:$150 to $300 for oral sex and intercourse
United States - Massage Parlor Worker Earnings:$8,000 to $10,000
United States - Minnesota:$40 for oral sex with Young girl
United States - Houston, Texas: $40-$80 with a street prostitute.
United States - Prison Guard:$150 charged by female guards.
United States - San Diego, CA:Under $100 per act.
United States - San Jose (California):$350 to $500 per hour with a high end escort.
United States - Young girls:$40 to $100 for 15 to 30 minutes of sex
United States - Miami :$250 an hour
Venezuela: $15 sex at the massage parlor
Vietnam: 5 dollar for a short time with a street whore.
Yemen: $50 with Chinese prostitutes in upscale hotels.
Zimbabwe: sex with a condom $3-5 (One Round aka short time) and $20 whole night. $10 Blow jobs. For unprotected sex $10-15 for locals.
09/10/2014 | 08:00
France- Cannes:Up to $40,000 a night ...
Afghanistan:$30 to $60
China - Shanghai:$650 to $1,600
Taiwan:$344 for South Korean Prostitute
Indonesia - Earnings for Prostitute:$784 to $1,120 per month
si sono dimenticati di scrivere che gli asini volano.
09/10/2014 | 09:55
Mi piacerebbe vedere la "Gipsy Street Hooker" italiana da 30USD....
E le marmotte impacchettano la cioccolata...
Under Jolly Roger!
09/10/2014 | 10:59
Ucraine: da 128 dollari per una che parla lingue stranieri??????? Mah, il buon @master ci insegna che costano anche 30 euro, e poi certe che vengono come pay diventano free e parlano benissimo al microfono di master, visto ieri su whatts app ahhahahahahahahahah
09/10/2014 | 13:45
provincia di pisa | 36-50
30 dollari in thai ma se tutti trombano long time col millino con mega figone??? :-))
Sinceramente mi piacerebbe imitare varg sikerness in arte burzum
09/10/2014 | 13:47
provincia di pisa | 36-50
prevedo un aumento vertiginoso dei gt in mali zimbawe e nei campi profughi siriani
Sinceramente mi piacerebbe imitare varg sikerness in arte burzum
09/10/2014 | 13:49
provincia di pisa | 36-50
come in norvegia le nere di strada perndono si e no 8 euri cazzo meno che da noi
Sinceramente mi piacerebbe imitare varg sikerness in arte burzum
09/10/2014 | 15:07
Roma | 36-50
Interessanti le tariffe in carcere degli states, non capisco con che scusa uno può entrarci però... :-?
- Che cazzo è quello?
- Ti sei risposto da sola.
09/10/2014 | 17:57
Ma l' IVA è compresa ?
09/10/2014 | 18:10
e le cinesi OTR a 5 euro?
09/10/2014 | 18:12
anni fa anche le rumene che facevano blowjob a 5 euro in una piscina pubblica estiva, naturalmente si appartavano in zone non visibili dagli altri bagnanti.......
09/10/2014 | 19:25
Bucharest | 26-35
@Magic_mirror penso si tratti delle zingare stradali...
@ir_pelato :)))))))))))))))
@strutter ma me la dici sta piscina pubblica qual era? :))))
09/10/2014 | 19:33
ma questa lista dove l'hai presa?
Seguimi anche sul mio blog
Mi trovi anche su Instagram SBangkok e sul mio account X/Twitter
La lista degli Hotel guest friendly in Asia dove portare la gnocca!
Il mio concetto di Paradiso è fatto di cose per cui si va all'Inferno!
09/10/2014 | 19:34
Bucharest | 26-35
@sexybangkok ho citato anche la fonte sotto la lista!
09/10/2014 | 19:40
il fenomeno non esiste più perchè è intervenuta la polizia su reclamo delle altre bagnanti che avevano colto qualcuna sul fatto
Leggi le recensioni ESCORT e non farti fregare, trova la ESCORT nella tua cittàVivo_a_Bucharest
09/10/2014 | 19:43
Bucharest | 26-35
@strutter mi sembra poco probabile :). Dove hai sentito questo cosa?
09/10/2014 | 19:46
@Vivo_a_Bucharest scusami ma non avevo visto il link
Seguimi anche sul mio blog
Mi trovi anche su Instagram SBangkok e sul mio account X/Twitter
La lista degli Hotel guest friendly in Asia dove portare la gnocca!
Il mio concetto di Paradiso è fatto di cose per cui si va all'Inferno!
09/10/2014 | 19:48
non è che l'ho sentita, l'ho vissuta...... e non voglio riferire altri dettagli, non mi sembra il caso
09/10/2014 | 19:58
Bucharest | 26-35
@sexybankok tranquillo....
@strutter k