many Latvian men (more the Russian ones) are very mean and thugy, there are lots of skin heads too, real ones, not the clowns you see in America and they enjoy to go out at night looking to kick some tourist ass for many reasons including robbing you or for fun or just because they cannot get their own women and they are jealous of foreign men
ecco questo commento denota un'altro soggetto da evitare: l'espatriato anglosassone-americano-australiano ect..
apparte il discorso delle donne scammer uno dei modi per finire nei casini é aggregarsi o fraternizzare con i vari anglosassoni che frequentano le terre baltiche, sono letteralmente un ricettacolo di guai, mi permetto di citare anch'io una discussione dal web:
After that I was walking along when the youth approached me. He spoke to me in a language I do not understand. I was in fear, not knowing whether he was intending to rob me. I walked on, but he then spoke in English "This is not your country" and approached me and kicked me. It hit me on my left breast and I fell. I told him in English "I will leave your country" and tried to stand up. He kicked me for a second time and then he walked away.
I was shocked and disappointed. I did not call the police as I was catching a bus back Riga the same afternoon, I was feeling pain when I lift my hand or try to apply force to my hand. I believed I was attacked because I was in an open area where no-body could see or give evidence what he did--but the attack should not have occurred in the first instance.
I would not forget this incident. I have talked to everybody I met in the office today about the incident and have told them not to go to Vilnius. I will not step on this land on my wish. With respect, Vilnius has left a very bad taste in my mouth.
Stai per entrare in una sezione vietata ai minori di anni 18 che può contenere immagini di carattere erotico, che tratta argomenti e usa un linguaggio adatto a un pubblico adulto. Se non sei maggiorenne esci immediatamente cliccando ESCI. Se non ritieni il nudo di adulti offensivo alla tua persona e se dichiari di essere maggiorenne secondo la legge dello stato in cui vivi e se, entrando nel sito, accetti le condizioni di utilizzo ed esoneri i responsabili del sito da ogni forma di responsabilità, allora puoi entrare in Gnoccatravels! tutela e protegge i minori e invita i propri utenti a segnalare eventuali abusi, nonchè ad utilizzare i seguenti servizi di controllo: ICRA – Netnanny – Cybersitter – Surfcontrol – Cyberpatrol
Contenuti ed immagini qui presenti, sono stati ottenuti attraverso internet, quindi sono ritenuti di dominio pubblico, od autorizzati dagli interessati medesimi. Gli inserzionisti di dichiarano che gli scopi della pubblicazione richiesta sono leciti (secondo le vigenti normative in materia penale) e strettamente personali, quindi esentano i gestori del sito da ogni responsabilità amministrativa e penale eventualmente derivante da finalità, contenuti e azioni illecite, nonché da usi illegittimi e/o impropri della pubblicazione medesima.
Scegliendo ACCETTA ED ENTRA, l'utente dichiara di essere maggiorenne e di esonerare totalmente i fornitori del servizio, proprietari e creatori del sito dalla responsabilità sul contenuto degli annunci/inserzioni pubblicitarie e del loro utilizzo.
04/05/2014 | 22:11
cito da questa discussione
many Latvian men (more the Russian ones) are very mean and thugy, there are lots of skin heads too, real ones, not the clowns you see in America and they enjoy to go out at night looking to kick some tourist ass for many reasons including robbing you or for fun or just because they cannot get their own women and they are jealous of foreign men
ecco questo commento denota un'altro soggetto da evitare: l'espatriato anglosassone-americano-australiano ect..
apparte il discorso delle donne scammer uno dei modi per finire nei casini é aggregarsi o fraternizzare con i vari anglosassoni che frequentano le terre baltiche, sono letteralmente un ricettacolo di guai, mi permetto di citare anch'io una discussione dal web:
After that I was walking along when the youth approached me. He spoke to me in a language I do not understand. I was in fear, not knowing whether he was intending to rob me. I walked on, but he then spoke in English "This is not your country" and approached me and kicked me. It hit me on my left breast and I fell. I told him in English "I will leave your country" and tried to stand up. He kicked me for a second time and then he walked away.
I was shocked and disappointed. I did not call the police as I was catching a bus back Riga the same afternoon, I was feeling pain when I lift my hand or try to apply force to my hand. I believed I was attacked because I was in an open area where no-body could see or give evidence what he did--but the attack should not have occurred in the first instance.
I would not forget this incident. I have talked to everybody I met in the office today about the incident and have told them not to go to Vilnius. I will not step on this land on my wish. With respect, Vilnius has left a very bad taste in my mouth.