
Viaggio della gnocca in Indonesia: ATTENTI ad ACEH (Sumatra): SHARIA = pericolo

11/03/2017 | 23:28
Residente a Bucarest |  51-100


Mentre l’Indonesia, con normali cautele, puo’ esser una buona destinazione per turisti , alcune sue parti sono decisamente ostili e pericolose per tutti, a causa della persecuzione religiosa delle liberta' personali, e specialmente di ""reati contro la morale sessuale islamica"".

Aceh, o Aceh Darussalam, (Capitale Banda Aceh) e’ Indonesia, (Sumatra nord), ma, dopo una serie di terribili insurrezioni e guerre di indipendenza ISLAMISTA contro il governo indonesiano, (fra il 1953 ed il 1959, poi di nuovo con la proclamazione dell’indipendenza nel 1979, agitazioni negli anni ‘80, guerriglia negli anni ‘90, Sharia parziale nel 2001, ma con repressione del governo centrale contro la guerriglia islamista, infine nel 2004, dopo il terribile Tsunami che colpi’ Sumatra, (150.000 morti ) gli islamisti aprirono negoziati col governo indonesiano, ed ottennero che Aceh diventasse "Territorio speciale" (daerah istimewa, o "autonomia speciale") . Dunque dal 2004 Aceh, ovvero Sumatra nord ha ha un elevatissimo grado di autonomia regionale, inclusa la autonomia legislativa di applicare a modo proprio, e senza supervisione o revisione del governo centrale ed in barba a convenzioni e trattati internazionali sui diritti umani e personali cui l’Indonesia ha formalmente aderito, la SHARIA (ossia legge islamica), che pertanto in Aceh viene applicata ufficialmente e contro chiunque, nativo o residente di Sumatra o di altre regioni Indonesiane, cittadino o straniero, mussulmano o infedele, CHIUNQUE SIA LI’ E’ SOGGETTO AI RIGORI ESTREMI DELLA SHARIA.

Aceh talvolta e’ stata scritta come Acheh, Atjeh, e Achin.
La bandiera di Aceh e’ una tipica bandiera islamica con mezzaluna e stella

Lo stemma di Aceh mostra la bilancia simbolo della giustizia basata sul libro aperto, ovviamente il Corano, insomma mostra che per loro l’applicazione integrale della Sharia e’ il problema essenziale e fondamento dello stato islamico (islamista integralista, fondamentalista, estremista, radicale)

Whipped 100 times for having sex outside marriage: Kneeling woman is caned by masked Sharia law enforcer in barbaric punishment in Indonesia,” by Gareth Davies, Mailonline, March 10, 2017:
A woman received 100 lashes for having [sex] without being married while a man was caned nine times for gambling in Banda Aceh.
Highlighting the Islamic Sharia law’s twisted moral stance, a man who was charged with having sex outside of marriage was given the same punishment as a child molester – 120 lashes.
Pictures have emerged of the latest round of barbaric public punishments in Indonesia dished out by enforcers.
In the past year, MailOnline has reported on the troubling rising trend of public lashings carried out in Aceh, Indonesia:
March 1, 2016: Woman whipped 50 times for spending time alone with a man at the age of 19.
March 24, 2016: Young woman carried from the stage on a stretcher after being lashed for sex outside marriage.
August 1, 2016: Another woman is lashed for going on a date in Aceh.
August 15, 2016: Elderly man caned for breaking Sharia law.
September 11, 2016: Man and a woman lashed for having an affair and among the gathered crowd is the mayor of Banda Aceh.
October 17, 2016: Muslim woman screams out in pain on stage after being lashed 23 times for standing too close to her boyfriend.
October 31, 2016: A woman, 20, caned in public for getting too close to a man she wasn’t married to.
November 28, 2016: Man and a woman lashed 100 times each for adultery.
February 2, 2017: Enforcer lands 26 beatings across the back of a woman for having sex outside of wedlock.
February 10, 2017: Woman collapses in pain on stage as she is being caned.
February 27, 2017: Man collapses on stage as he is being whipped for having sex outside of marriage.
The beatings occurred in Aceh, which is the only province in the country which implements Sharia law in full….


ALTRI articoli recenti relativi alla situazione dell’estremismo religioso in Aceh ed in Indonesia
(sono raggiungibili e cliccabili come link dall'articolo principale il cui link e' il seguente:

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By Robert Spencer 72 Comments
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Indonesia: Muslims firebomb church, injure four children
By Robert Spencer
Nothing to be concerned about. Pope Francis is doubtless on his way to East Kalimantan right now to explain to these Muslims how they’re misunderstanding their religion, and how true Islam and the proper understanding of the Qur’an reject every form of violence. “Firebomb attack on church in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan injures children,” by Samantha […]

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By Robert Spencer
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Sharia in Indonesia: Woman savagely beaten for standing too close to her boyfriend
By Christine Williams
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Indonesia: Muslims attack 200 Christians at church, harass priest for reading Bible
By Robert Spencer
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Indonesia: Muslim with ISIS flag stabs priest, tries to blow up church during mass, police search for motive
By Robert Spencer
This is way beyond ridiculous. He had a hand-drawn picture of an ISIS flag. He attacked a priest and tried to explode a bomb in a crowded church. His motive couldn’t possibly be clearer. But the denial and willful ignorance of authorities is all-pervasive. “Terror in Indonesia: Axe-wielding ISIS jihadi, 18, stabs Catholic priest, 60, […]

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“Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed.” (Qur’an 9:111) “Indonesia Probes Islamic State Links in Police-Station Bombing,” by Ben Otto, Wall Street Journal, July 5, 2016: JAKARTA, Indonesia—Indonesian authorities were investigating […]

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Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country in the world, but only its Aceh province fully implements Sharia. And so for adherents of the Islamic State, it is governed by apostates who must be killed as per Islamic law. This is a global war driven by a religious ideology, the existence of which

Indonesia’s Aceh province lashes 339 people with cane in 2016 for violations of Sharia
By Robert Spencer 8 Comments
That’s nearly one every day. These people were lashed for gambling, adultery, and the like — the usual Sharia transgressions. We’re constantly told in the West that Sharia is multiform and that there are numerous humane and benign interpretations. This is belied by the fact that wherever Sharia has been implemented and is implemented now, […]

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