@gorgibus capito il significato della critica, ma questa rece (faccio fatica a chiamarla così ) davvero mi ha fatto ricordare quello scherzo di cattivo gusto che venne fatto su murmansk.
Oltre tutto pensiamo a chi butta i soldi in viaggi della speranza senza un minimo di preparazione,buttando soldi e rimanendoci malissimo,io poi se uno si vuol bruciare per sentire che l'acqua è bollita facciano pure.
"Per questo motivo il sabato si decide di tornare umili e di contattare qualche ragazza conosciuta sui social. È così che un amico incontrerà una sua preda al GOLDEN CAFÉ per poi concludere la serata a casa, mentre io e l'altro amico raggiungiamo due ragazze al FELINI CAFÉ per un pre-serata insieme. Arrivati sul posto le ragazze non sono due ma sei. Due contro sei, cerchiamo di reggere la situazione e con una scusa diciamo di dover tornare a casa e che le avremmo raggiunte poi al DOZARI. Arrivati al dozari perdo il mio amico e ritrovo una della sei con la quale passo molto tempo a parlare del più e del meno tra una mano sul sedere e l'altra sul seno..purtroppo però anche se mi concede tutto non è disposta a venire a casa, quindi la saluto e finalmente ritrovo il mio amico con due ragazze che con la scusa di invitarle a bere qualcosa a casa nostra, passiamo il resto della nottata ognuno nelle proprie stanze."
Tutti i suoi amici parlano un russo fluente come i nativi :)) :)) :)) :))
@SoproniSör Quella "simpatica " recensione su Murmansk l'ha scritta questa mer.da che ha spedito un sacco di italiani al polo nord, facendo loro spendere un sacco di quattrini,solo il biglietto aereo per murmansk costa 550 euro.Ecco questa serie di scemenze su minsk potevano fare un danno simile, e ripeto il danno
non sarebbe stato apportato a minsk(per quello ci hanno già pensato i turchi) ,ma magari a chi avesse buttato via 1500 euro per cercare un posto che esiste solo nella fantasia.
Per chi non lo sa, la vodka viene considerata dalle ragazze bielorusse di Minsk il liquore degli alcolizzati. Minimo devi offrire lo champagne bielorusso o russo
"vedi, le ragazze bielorusse per darla agli stranieri si fanno tre volte le croce. Le ragazze bielorusse devono avere uno scopo ben preciso per darla a uno straniero di passaggio."
"Quanti italiani hanno consumato le suole delle scarpe per rimorchiare le ragazze di Minsk senza combinare un cazzo. Poi quando si rassegnano li vedi nei bar e nei locali per stranieri, seduti a un tavolo e bevono per dimenticare che sono venuti in una città e una nazione che offre davvero poco. Non alimentiamo inutili e costosi viaggi della speranza"
Allore il nostro @DarioHubner mette le foto per dimostrare di non essere stato
"nei bar e nei locali per stranieri, seduti a un tavolo e bevono per dimenticare"
E tu a quel punto che gli dici?
"mettendo le fotografie cosa hai voluto dimostrare? Si vede che sei un'esibizionista"
@IlDrago ammonisce @DarioHubner nel suo dare descrizioni troppo positive della città di Minsk.
Secondo @IlDrago, e questo lo fa imbestialire, dare informazioni troppo positive fa si che un @Quarantordici qualunque, letta la recensione, si fiondi a Minsk sicuro di trombare e di passare giornate felici.
@IlDrago vuol far credere di fare cosa buona e giusta. Lui è dalla parte dell'ignaro @Quarantordici, previene una sua inutile spedizione in una città che non è sempre quella descritta da @DarioHubner.
@IlDrago vuol far credere di fare cosa buona e giusta, vuol spiegare a noi di esser li pronto a tutelare il nostro @Quarantordici, mentre invece sta solamente dando lui dello sprovveduto e dell'ingenuo.
@Quarantordici sa benissimo come leggere le recensioni e come interpretarle. E' quasi offeso dalla premura di @IlDrago. E, schierandosi dalla parte di tutti gli utenti, ritenendoli non ingenui a priori, vorrebbe che @IlDrago evitasse attacchi di questo tipo a chi scrive la propria recensione, lasciando che gli utenti, gente intelligente, tenuto conto delle proprie capacità personali, estrapolino in solitaria il vero dal falso o dall'esagerato e risparmiando a @DarioHubner la figura del cazzaro.
A differenza di @IlDrago, @Quarantordici, pur dubbioso, spera con il cuore che la recensione sia quella vera, spera con tutto il cuore di aver incontrato @DarioHubner, un GT che ce l'ha fatta.
E non perchè @quarantordici voglia andare a Minsk, ma perche questa è una Community, la Community dei Gnoccatravels
io di fotografie private di ragazze ne posso mettere a centinaia sul Gnoccatravels. Ma io sono un uomo e non bambino. Ma tu chi sei, un suo amico o sei la stessa persona?
Bene, la risolviamo così, visto che ho quasi la stessa età di DarioHubner (due in meno ma vabbè), parlo il russo e ho un buon numero di contatti di ragazze e ragazzi di Чернобыль, trasferitisi (si può immaginare perché) a Minsk, questa primavere vado a trovarli e verificherò peraonalmente la fece!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Questo è una discoteca di Minsk. Come potete vedere dalla foto, è la classica ragazza bielorussa che bacia uno sconosciuto appena entrato in discoteca. Ormai è di moda a Minsk
ma basta, piantala! Vuoi avere sempre tu l'ultima parola! Noi stiamo parlando di Minsk e della mentalità delle ragazze. Tu stai ancora a guardare quante ragazze si è trombato. Io ti indico il sole e tu guardi il dito.
ti quoto @StefanoMilan...questo dario hubner,mitico bomber del brescia anni passati,ha descritto la sua esperienza,e mi sembra veritiera,perchè non si è messo a scrivere,che ha scopato x 3 giorni consecutivi,senza vedere l luce del giorno...vedo ultimamente un accanimento verso nuovi 3d di gente nuova,certo magari scrive le solite cose,ma sembra esagerato ora,ridicolizzare il primo che si iscrive e prova a raccontare la propria esperienza...certo che di sapientoni ce ne sono a bizzeffe... [-(
la bava di bagascia,utile per ogni fregna del mondo intero
certe coppie sono assieme per lo stesso motivo che io quando cago,porto un giornale da leggere:solo per ammazzare il tempo...
to pay 4 to fuck.....
@IlDrago: ma ripeto, se ritenete che siano sbagliate (legittimo), postate il vostro punto di vista con la vostra esperienza no?
Diversamente il messaggio che passa è lo sfottò e la provocazione a prescindere, soprattutto ai nuovi utenti o ai visitatori che quando vedono certi commenti magari gli passa la voglia di recensire (quella già poca che magari avevano)
Comunque controllando in giro per internet, su Minsk si trovano esperienze assai più "di successo" rispetto a questa....e ogni tanto sono pure corredate di foto di ragazze stese sul letto mezze nude col nome dell'utente accanto alla foto o scritte da utenti "di lunga data" e assai stimati all'interno della community o ancora scritte con una ricchezza di dettagli sulla città e i locali che rendono improbabili il fatto che siano scritte da troll
Ora non voglio fissarmi o prendere Minsk come capro espiatorio perchè come ho detto la mia è una considerazione generale, ma ogni volta è sempre la stessa storia...magari cambiano gli utenti che intervengono per inveire, ma il messaggio è sempre lo stesso...se un visitatore o un utente legge, magari gli passa pure quella poca voglia che ha di recensire e scambiare informazioni visto come spesso vengono "liquidati" gli utenti che scrivono recensioni...difatti non c'è quasi più nessuno che posta qualcosa sull'est europa...
@skopion: ma quelli sono commenti, come su questa discussione
Io mi riferisco proprio a una recensione, un data sheet...insomma come questo ad esempio:
First of all I tried to focus on the real deal : woman & game, if you want specific info on visa, Belarusian ruble (really worth to know) and other typical travel stuff visit the following site:
It’s my first data sheet posted here so I decided to write something about myself to let you know better what you are dealing here witch. I’m 25 year old, 184 cm/ 80 kg (I work out), dark hair, I get a lot of compliments from girls about my looks, and I’m pretty confident = I have the balls to come over and I don’t fear rejection, but that’s not what matters. I’d say that I’m a FSU veteran, with fluent Russian and game which was successively improving through last couple of years, mostly in Ukraine, Russia and obviously Poland. Here are my thoughts on my first trip to Minsk in Belarus during past June. I was accompanied with my Ukrainian friend ,business partner but also a guy with game unlike my second mate from Poland with no Russian and no game whatsoever but I thought I’d be fun and I’ll wing him up.
I had to wait for my single, personal Belarusian visa for a whole week (25 EUR). We started off from Kraków on Thursday afternoon and decided to use a car (friend volunteered to drive).Things were really going good, M1 Highway from polish border to Minsk is a road which is almost impossible to find in Ukraine or western Russia. But we decided to see the local life a bit, therefore we left the highway just for a 50 km trip. If u think that Ukraine is ghetto, than you should see this. The infrastructure is in a post soviet mess, the local roads are probably the worst I’ve ever seen in EE (mostly gravel).73 % of Belarusian population is urbanized, and at that time I clearly knew why, cuz If I had to live in Belarusian village I’d probably kill myself. The national average wage here is 340 USD = 270 EUR, that’s almost the same as in Ukraine (260 EUR) a bit less than in Russia (360 EUR) and 3 times less than in Poland (810 EUR). The inflation in Belarus in 2011 reached 108% can you even imagine that? It’s worth to add that Belarus is not a democratic country. It’s governed by the great dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who is constantly isolating Belarus from the rest of the world (except from Russia) and can already tell you this will come across in contacts with women. As we were passing by shithole after shithole my enthusiasm was going down stairs. I guess that in my friend’s black Merc CLS with Ukrainian license plate we looked like a Ukrainian government or mafia to the locals. It’s better to use train or just aircraft. After almost 10 hours of driving we reached Minsk. Thursday/Friday night, 2 hours after midnight. But there was no chance of hitting the city, we all were exhausted and my only dream was to finally lay down in bed.
1.8 million inhabitants , size of Warsaw, biggest in Belarus, capital city. Was exactly how I imagined it : post soviet architecture with lame statues, soviet city planning, sort of gloomy. It’s not even closed to the Kiev or Moscow in terms of prestige (but It a bit cleaner, I give them that much), you probably not going to find famous western brands here as well. Minsk isn’t a good place for investments either, simple because the free market rules don’t work here like they should especially for an outside investor, besides the country is corrupted (thank u Mr. president). Next interesting thing is that Minsk is probably the least visited European capital (due to political isolation, visas etc), therefore is the least westernized FSU capital. The results of this speak for themselves: ability of using English among Belarusians is even worst that in Russia or Ukraine. Couldn’t find the official numbers but from my short experience there I’d say that over 85% of population isn’t familiar with English, including young people, so those of you who don’t speak Russian are going to have a hard times there. On the bride side, Minsk is pretty damn cheap when it comes to petrol, smokes and alcohols (2 to even 5 times less than in PL). When it comes to accommodation & hotels things might get very different , cabs are as cheap as the petrol is. Alcohol is allowed to be consumed in the streets. Interesting thing is that under ages (less than 18) are not allowed to be alone in the streets of Minsk after 23.00. Oh yes and famous Militia, if you are familiar with FSU you probably know that it’s better to avoid those guys, simply because they like to play games with foreigners, especially with other races, and they are pretty much everywhere and they do not speak engilsh.
I’m gonna say this first off, I’m not a big fan of day game. Simply because I’m busy at work/travel during the whole week and don’t have time for that, I’m a typical night owl, so I didn’t focused on day game. But I can tell you the best places to do it : city centre square (lots of bored talent there), main street Prospekt Nezavisimosti (most famous shopping street) , amusements parks which are located all over the city or try to hit one of the couple of city’s Parks where in sunny days people are looking for shelter from heat. But trust me day game will be much harder here than in Poland, Russia or even Ukraine.
Eastern Slavic guys are the worst looking lads (in Europe) I know. Seriously, there is a huge difference between the appearance of western and eastern Slavs. You can separate easily for example Slovak from Russian by just looking at his face. Those guys are pretty much the same that in RUS/UKR (If u ever been there) it means that they dress terribly, got no sense of style, and their looks don’t really matter to them. However, if you were in FSU before, you probably know that in the clubs things can get very different (especially in the most prestigious ones) and your opponents will be rich, well dressed kids powered by oligarch-money of their parents. But the typical Belarusian guy from the street is just like I said earlier, plus he’s probably working his ass off during the week for shit money. I really felt like a celebrity there just with my casual clothes. It’s surely an advantage for day game, but back to Belarusians, they have no game. Their only game is a ‘game’ very common in all FSU countries : get drunk & try my luck. Average height is about 175 -180. They are rather passive, not really into cockblocking, up to a point when you try to pick up women that’s already taken, then things can get very nasty especially when they are intoxicated. But my overall impressions was surprisingly good : when introduced by some chick, they were very friendly, even called me a Polish comrade and offered me a vodka which I ofc couldn’t refuse to drink (that would be offensive).
Typical Slavic type of beauty with all its features, including perfect, long legs, hairs from blond to brunette (even more natural blonde babes than in Ukraine IMO), and other things which were discussed on this forum over zillion times and I don’t really wanna waste my time describing it over and over again or making some lame and idiotic generalizations, all I can say that their overall physical type is much more closer to the Ukrainian or even Polish than Russian. They dress just like expected. Height from 165 even to 180 + high heels). Other thing I noticed is there’s almost no obesity problem, almost all women in clubs were fit and feminine, looks like McDonald’s 0 – Lukashenko 1. Average girl in Minsk club is around 6 which is very good. There were tones of cute, nice looking 6 and 7 college girls, but I didn’t really bother, I got really high standards and I thought I had to try the very best of what Minsk got to offer, so I was approaching decent 8’s and above only and believe me there was plenty of them. From my point of view they are true sweethearts, all girls I talked to were truly interested in what I got to say even if it felt lame for me. I felt like a foreigner that comes to Poland, talks literal shit and somehow it always seem to work for him cuz the girl actually liked that stuff, now I got evidence on my own that this is actually working for a guy abroad, and this was truly something new comparing to Russia or Ukraine where if you try to pick up a 9 in a decent club, you can’t spill out this kind of bullshit. Next noticeable thing was that the girls weren’t interested in materiality and looks (in Russia, a 9 will notice your wristwatch, clothes etc) so it’s another feature of Belarusian beauties, which clearly is closer to the polish girls.
If you were already booking your flight to Minsk, you might want to read this as well. The weakest part of their body is clearly the face, I’ve seen so many superb-looking, tall women with a model figure, but when I saw the face it was like a straight right punch from Vladimir Klitschko right in my balls. There are no chances of picking up anything without just a basic Russian. Those chicks cannot talk English. Period. I talked to around 10 - 15 girls during the whole weekend and even if she was claiming that she speaks English, and I was using simple basic words, the conversation was going nowhere but downhill, until I started speaking in Russian. Maybe some younger, high school girls ( 20 and younger) were able to speak in English better but I’m very skeptical after of what I’ve seen. From all FSU women I can surely say that Belarusian women are the most conservative both the way they look and act. ONS almost don’t happen here. You are expected to take here on a date, surely more than one, so a weekend trip like mine is not a good idea, you might get disappointed, but as you will read below I managed to do quite fine. Another interesting thing you might wanna know is that unemployment among women here reaches 65 %. Why? The answer is simple, because the women are expected to be a housewife, and the man is the provider. Typical post soviet mentality. The girls are getting married here around 22 -25. Results? Belarus got one of the highest divorce rate in the whole wide World, over ½ of pairs decides to divorce. Ever wondered why you never hear about Belarusian students somewhere in the Europe? Belarus is the only European country that did not join the Erasmus students exchange program, so Belarusian college girls are nowhere to be found in Europe. As you can see the separation between Belarus and the rest of the Europe is huge. How do I know all of this? Keep reading.
Pretty good actually (as for an industrial hole). I managed to visit a 3 night clubs during the stay, but there are a lot more, maybe someone from the forum got some experience, but here are my thoughts:
Dozari – no.1 club in Minsk, considered as prestigious and exclusive, best looking woman (but men as well) and many of them speaks basic english, nice place, not that much crowded but neither empty. But from the other hand it’s probably most expensive and you have to pass the face control at the entrance, and I’m afraid that the ‘exotic looking’ lads might get some problems (kind of like shooters in Kiev). Entrance – 25 $. House/disco music, good vibe, liked it. Kind of remained me of Moscow.
Next – funny story, the club was actually located on the third floor at the hotel where we were residing in (Crowne Plaza). I discovered it incidentally and it was one hell of a surprise. Face control just like in the Dozari but I guess it’s less strict cuz many of clubbers were the hotels guests and it’s clear that most of them were foreigners. So basically a place to meet local and foreign women. Anyway my night always ended up there somehow. House music as well, entrance costed me 8 $. Golddigers alert.
Titan – located far from city centre, not that prestigious as the two above but that was the deal, almost no face control, many college girls, but the quality of them was also slightly worse. Yet another club with loud house music. Been there once. Can’t really remember how much was the entrance but probably less than 10 $.
As you can see I’ve chosen the best places, but that was my plan – if I had only 2,5 day I wanted to see the best stuff that the city has to offer. There are many places with free entrance, less expensive and so on, I am only concerned about the face control because it seems to me that it’s just literally everywhere, when I asked the locals about that the answer was clear and logical : to avoid prostitution and drug dealing inside of the clubs, I heard it was such a big deal back in the days, common and frequent that managers decided to deal with that once and for all. Anyway make sure you look sharp, don’t get shitfaced before going out and act normal.
You have to crack into the social circles which are as common here as in the whole FSU, but here it’s definitely harder here due to lack of English and weird mentality (maybe something like an introduction by the local would do the trick) . I hope you are able to separate a girl from her friend’s (they always come in groups here and mostly stick together) cuz believe me the jealous butterface friend is willing to cockblock and destroy your night. If you read my description carefully you probably got your own opinion about the women by now. My advice: be respectful, show your ‘good intentions’. If you can dance like a boss – show it. FSU guys cannot dance, so they mostly don’t even try. Stay calm, cool and collected, it’s not Ibiza and you can’t show off like a clown here cuz this will attract only… some intoxicated Belarusian guys. Ofc confidence is the key, accompanied with patience and persistence. Showing yourself as a someone outside, the girls will be both curious and distrustful, so you need to establish how far you can get. Anyway this isn’t a newbie territory, girls are rather shy, closed and conservative. You are probably asking yourself now ‘Why bother, when I can simply go to Ukraine and get laid 5 times more without that much effort?’ Well, honestly I can’t answer you that, cuz probably you are right. Arriving here for the women is like playing your favorite video game at hardcore mode, which can be both frustrating and annoying, but when you finally complete it, you just smile and know it was worth it.
I’ll spare you the boring Friday afternoon, like I said before I wasn’t day gaming, I did though bet my polish friend 100 euro that there’s no way he can obtain a phone number on the Minsk streets. Yep, you are probably guessing right, I’m 100 ahead, but it was truly hilarious to watch him struggling. In a restaurant I asked very cute waitress where is a good place for some Friday night action, she told me that she’s going to Titan club with some friends, so we decided to hit it as well. Arrived there minutes before 23. It was packed like hell, but the worst thing was the F/M ratio – too many sweated men, plus so fucking loud house music that I could barely heard my own thoughts. After less than half hour of mostly observing we decided to leave that place and go straight to Dozari. It was like a trip from hell to heaven, I already liked that place, and the quality of women was much, much higher. I had a simple plan – SNL. I opened three girls (one by one not a set) but each time I wasn’t able to close the deal properly. Body language was good, I built attraction each time, obtained two close kisses but in the end they always insisted on giving me their numbers and going out some next time. I realized that the problem wasn’t me but them. I could spent some more time witch each one of them and maybe things would go different, but I was on a limited time and I thought that I’d finally find the one. But then my polish friend came up and told me he found and talked to a polish girl here, I followed him, he wasn’t lying. Girl named Julia, Belarusian but with polish background was having a birthday party. She truly could speak polish but not really that much. I was introduced to all her friends and suddenly I was in the centre of attention, spelling my trash talk about Poland and as I mentioned earlier they like it a lot. After a while I spotted one of the party crew girls who clearly wasn’t having a good time, sitting in the lodge, with nose up and a bitch look on her face, but damn she was hot as hell (23yo, 175, blonde, great figure, light eyes, beautiful face – true 9). I opened her with a silly line “A może ty mówisz po polsku”? She smiled and said “не” – I knew that the game was on. She turned out to be a history student, so I started arguing in a playful way about Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. When I was about to close she told me she has to leave cuz she was not feeling well, and that’s why she wasn’t having a good time, and the only reason she stayed for that long was me, we exchanged numbers, and she promised that we’ll met the next day (basically it meant we can fuck tomorrow) , and she can show me the city. I had too much, left the club right after her, took the cab and got back to hotel. Then I spotted party-head people in front of it, so I ask what was up with them, they answered me that there’s a fine club inside, on the third floor called ‘Next’. I was like LOL are u fucking kidding me? I had to check it out. I barely passed the entrance (they smelled the alcohol from mile away, but eventually let me in only cuz I was the hotel guest and I gave both of the bouncers 10 $ extra). It was after 3 so there weren’t many people left. I got sort of lucky. I literally bumped into fine brunette girl, at the bar, she was by herself, nothing spectacular, but a decent, mature (older than me for sure) 7. She turned out to be a Russian guest of the hotel, taking care of a business in Minsk. When she called me ‘a true first real man this night’ I knew I won’t fail this time. I didn’t even have to work on that one, she proposed a drinking game, I escalated quickly and we close the deal in her hotel room. That was the first day and night. I got laid, but that wasn’t really what I expected. The next day I met my blonde beauty. Took her for a diner. It was sort of a date I guess. We talked and she told me most of the stuff I shared with you above. She told me she was afraid of her future. When a young person In Belarus wants to study at University (which is very expensive) there are two choices : simply pay for it or study for free, but when you finally get your degree, your ass belongs to the country and you have to pay it back with your work for your studies. She was worrying that she will end up in some shithole near Russian border, teaching village kids history, and marrying a savage. She turned out to be smart and funny, a true LTR material, unlike most of polish girls of her beauty which are dumb and vain as fuck. I realized how hard it was to live there.
Anyway, I invited her to my hotel that night, we went to Next, and there was no turning back for her, but as expected there wasn’t any resistance this time. I did her that night and that’s how I got my Belarusian flag. We are still texting each other even now, after almost month. After Sunday morning breakfast, we head off back to Kraków. My Ukrainian friend claimed he got a bj in a toilette of some African-looking club and bunch of unuseful numbers, and the polish one well, he got wasted two nights straight, but he was happy anyway so good for him.
I feel sorry for you Belarus, I feel sorry for all the beautiful women wasting their potential in this shithole , for the dictator and his propaganda who clearly washes everyone’s brains up. Belarus is a country of paradoxes, definitely not a place to live in. The only thing that makes me wanna come back there are the women. I hope you enjoyed my data sheet as much as I enjoyed their company. It was a short but very useful experience. I’ll make some updates and more thoughts after my return there in early September.
@skopion: ognuno ha la sua verità, quell'utente ha raccontato la sua esperienza in cui in 2 giorni se ne è trombate 2, dai dettagli che ha inserito nella recensione si fa fatica a prenderla per falsa e difatti nessuno in quel forum (enormemente più grande di questo) ha nemmeno lontanamente sostenuto che la recensione fosse falsa anzi i commenti sono stati: "grande!" "stupenda recensione!!" e tutti hanno ringraziato....si capisce la differenza di "clima" che c'è tra questo forum in cui tutti (soprattutto i nuovi) vengono presi a offese e provocazioni e altri forum?
Poi non c'è da stupirsi se qui nessuno scrive recensioni e altrove sono pieni di recensioni...
Con ciò non sto dicendo che non si deve controbattere a una recensione eh, ma ci sono modi diversi per farlo
P.S: le info non sono assolutamente prese da wiki, leggi bene o se vuoi ne posto altre che sono pure più lunghe e dettagliate di quella e il rate di successo è addirittura migliore
@gorgibus: la penso come te, io cerco di farlo capire ma alcuni sono sordi...se il clima non migliora alla fine rimarranno 7-8 utenti a scambiarsi video OT e sfottersi tra di loro
Quasi tutti quelli di "vecchia data" e che leggevo all'inizio non scrivono più...basta cliccare sui profili e vedere quanti utenti iscritti dal 2011 sono rimasti...quasi nessuno
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13/09/2013 | 02:28
@gorgibus capito il significato della critica, ma questa rece (faccio fatica a chiamarla così ) davvero mi ha fatto ricordare quello scherzo di cattivo gusto che venne fatto su murmansk.
Oltre tutto pensiamo a chi butta i soldi in viaggi della speranza senza un minimo di preparazione,buttando soldi e rimanendoci malissimo,io poi se uno si vuol bruciare per sentire che l'acqua è bollita facciano pure.
Il mito dell'est sarà duro a morire....
Ti spiezzo in due.
Anzi no ti lecco la passerina.
13/09/2013 | 02:30
Questa è la vera perla delle citazioni
"Per questo motivo il sabato si decide di tornare umili e di contattare qualche ragazza conosciuta sui social. È così che un amico incontrerà una sua preda al GOLDEN CAFÉ per poi concludere la serata a casa, mentre io e l'altro amico raggiungiamo due ragazze al FELINI CAFÉ per un pre-serata insieme. Arrivati sul posto le ragazze non sono due ma sei. Due contro sei, cerchiamo di reggere la situazione e con una scusa diciamo di dover tornare a casa e che le avremmo raggiunte poi al DOZARI. Arrivati al dozari perdo il mio amico e ritrovo una della sei con la quale passo molto tempo a parlare del più e del meno tra una mano sul sedere e l'altra sul seno..purtroppo però anche se mi concede tutto non è disposta a venire a casa, quindi la saluto e finalmente ritrovo il mio amico con due ragazze che con la scusa di invitarle a bere qualcosa a casa nostra, passiamo il resto della nottata ognuno nelle proprie stanze."
Tutti i suoi amici parlano un russo fluente come i nativi :)) :)) :)) :))
13/09/2013 | 02:32
@ivan drago non credo che la recensione su murmansk sia paragonabile a quella di questo thread.
@gorgibus con la risposta da te citata non intendevo questo
Continuo ad eseguire il loop, mai banale: le femmine vogliono essere l'essenza della femminilità
Leggi le recensioni ESCORT e non farti fregare, trova la ESCORT nella tua cittàivan_drago
13/09/2013 | 02:38
@SoproniSör Quella "simpatica " recensione su Murmansk l'ha scritta questa mer.da che ha spedito un sacco di italiani al polo nord, facendo loro spendere un sacco di quattrini,solo il biglietto aereo per murmansk costa 550 euro.Ecco questa serie di scemenze su minsk potevano fare un danno simile, e ripeto il danno
non sarebbe stato apportato a minsk(per quello ci hanno già pensato i turchi) ,ma magari a chi avesse buttato via 1500 euro per cercare un posto che esiste solo nella fantasia.
Ti spiezzo in due.
Anzi no ti lecco la passerina.
13/09/2013 | 02:43
Per chi non lo sa, la vodka viene considerata dalle ragazze bielorusse di Minsk il liquore degli alcolizzati. Minimo devi offrire lo champagne bielorusso o russo
13/09/2013 | 03:16
Prima, saccentemente, gli spiattelli:
"vedi, le ragazze bielorusse per darla agli stranieri si fanno tre volte le croce. Le ragazze bielorusse devono avere uno scopo ben preciso per darla a uno straniero di passaggio."
"Quanti italiani hanno consumato le suole delle scarpe per rimorchiare le ragazze di Minsk senza combinare un cazzo. Poi quando si rassegnano li vedi nei bar e nei locali per stranieri, seduti a un tavolo e bevono per dimenticare che sono venuti in una città e una nazione che offre davvero poco. Non alimentiamo inutili e costosi viaggi della speranza"
Allore il nostro @DarioHubner mette le foto per dimostrare di non essere stato
"nei bar e nei locali per stranieri, seduti a un tavolo e bevono per dimenticare"
E tu a quel punto che gli dici?
"mettendo le fotografie cosa hai voluto dimostrare? Si vede che sei un'esibizionista"
Lui sarà anche un esibizionista ma tu... ;-)
13/09/2013 | 03:26
@IlDrago ammonisce @DarioHubner nel suo dare descrizioni troppo positive della città di Minsk.
Secondo @IlDrago, e questo lo fa imbestialire, dare informazioni troppo positive fa si che un @Quarantordici qualunque, letta la recensione, si fiondi a Minsk sicuro di trombare e di passare giornate felici.
@IlDrago vuol far credere di fare cosa buona e giusta. Lui è dalla parte dell'ignaro @Quarantordici, previene una sua inutile spedizione in una città che non è sempre quella descritta da @DarioHubner.
@IlDrago vuol far credere di fare cosa buona e giusta, vuol spiegare a noi di esser li pronto a tutelare il nostro @Quarantordici, mentre invece sta solamente dando lui dello sprovveduto e dell'ingenuo.
@Quarantordici sa benissimo come leggere le recensioni e come interpretarle. E' quasi offeso dalla premura di @IlDrago. E, schierandosi dalla parte di tutti gli utenti, ritenendoli non ingenui a priori, vorrebbe che @IlDrago evitasse attacchi di questo tipo a chi scrive la propria recensione, lasciando che gli utenti, gente intelligente, tenuto conto delle proprie capacità personali, estrapolino in solitaria il vero dal falso o dall'esagerato e risparmiando a @DarioHubner la figura del cazzaro.
A differenza di @IlDrago, @Quarantordici, pur dubbioso, spera con il cuore che la recensione sia quella vera, spera con tutto il cuore di aver incontrato @DarioHubner, un GT che ce l'ha fatta.
E non perchè @quarantordici voglia andare a Minsk, ma perche questa è una Community, la Community dei Gnoccatravels
13/09/2013 | 10:54
@AdsodaMelk quoto in pieno cio' che hai scritto , sul fatto delle foto non l'ho voluto nemmeno sottolineare, poi
fra chiedere
ad una ragazza posso farmi una foto con te e chiavarla ci corre come fra mangiare una pizza ed essere il piu' grande pizzaiolo della storia.
Solo non capisco una frase conosco ragazze Bielorusse, cosi come Russe, , Ucraine,
e Lituane... Anche alcune ex-USSR ma scusami bielorusse russe ucraine lituane non sono ex urss per te ?
Ti spiezzo in due.
Anzi no ti lecco la passerina.
13/09/2013 | 11:23
io di fotografie private di ragazze ne posso mettere a centinaia sul Gnoccatravels. Ma io sono un uomo e non bambino. Ma tu chi sei, un suo amico o sei la stessa persona?
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 11:41
ti faccio il disegnino... Si questa è Gnoccatravels, ma non è Cazzatatravels. Ma andate a fare la spessa finta
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 12:17
Scrivendo "io di fotografie private di ragazze ne posso mettere a centinaia sul Gnoccatravels.", dimostri di non aver capito quello che volevo dire.
La mia era una critica al tuo ATTEGGIAMENTO MENTALE.
Prima gli dici di essere un cazzaro, e quando lui, per dimostrare che non lo è, posta le foto con le tipe, tu rispondi che le foto non contano niente.
Probabilmente se @DarioHubner mettesse delle immagini mentre scopa, tu obietteresti che potrebbero essere foto prese su internet.
Se mentre sta chiavando, mettesse in bella vista anche la sua carta d'identità, tu diresti che è un fotoritocco.
Hai capito, adesso, che cosa "intendevo" dire nel precedente post?
Che quando uno parte "prevenuto", non c'è un cazzo da fare!!
E comunque non conosco minimamente DarioHubner.
13/09/2013 | 12:25
rispondere a te è inutile. Faccio anche a te il disegnino? :D
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 12:30
Новосибирск | 26-35
Bene, la risolviamo così, visto che ho quasi la stessa età di DarioHubner (due in meno ma vabbè), parlo il russo e ho un buon numero di contatti di ragazze e ragazzi di Чернобыль, trasferitisi (si può immaginare perché) a Minsk, questa primavere vado a trovarli e verificherò peraonalmente la fece!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
13/09/2013 | 12:51
Io mi sono trombata questa ragazza. La foto lo presa su internet, ma non è detto che non me la sono trombata. Siete i soliti pervenuti
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 12:55
Io ho un amico, Pino, che quando andava in discoteca, gli bastava fare YEAH e trombava come un pazzo :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHLewcdIWlw
Epicuro - Recensioni e consigli su Francia, Spagna, Italia, Cuba, Portogallo, Tunisia, Marocco, Croazia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Thailandia, Grecia, Romania, Bulgaria, Rep.Ceca, Belgio e varie.
Segno zodiacale: porco
Mi piace:-Pippo Baudo - Rocco Siffredi - Topolino - la fica depilata - Il culo rotondo - Le cosce lunghe
13/09/2013 | 12:57
Con lei ho giocato a tennis ;)
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 13:05
anche Pino era andato a Minsk? :-))
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 13:09
Questa è stata cavalcata da me durante le elezioni americane :X
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 13:28
Questo è una discoteca di Minsk. Come potete vedere dalla foto, è la classica ragazza bielorussa che bacia uno sconosciuto appena entrato in discoteca. Ormai è di moda a Minsk
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 13:48
@IlDrago, invece lo sgorbietto che si vede dietro, è forse quella che ti fa i pompini all'ingresso delle discoteche :-)) ?
Epicuro - Recensioni e consigli su Francia, Spagna, Italia, Cuba, Portogallo, Tunisia, Marocco, Croazia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Thailandia, Grecia, Romania, Bulgaria, Rep.Ceca, Belgio e varie.
Segno zodiacale: porco
Mi piace:-Pippo Baudo - Rocco Siffredi - Topolino - la fica depilata - Il culo rotondo - Le cosce lunghe
13/09/2013 | 13:50
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 14:14
Una maestra bielorussa mentre da lezione a 2 alunni italiani... Sono stati rimandati a seghe :)
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 18:29
Ho la secchezza delle fauci!
Vado a Minsk a farmi un paio di limonate! ;-)
13/09/2013 | 22:46
Cerca di afferrare il concetto: SE LE FOTO DI DarioHubner SONO VERE O FALSE NON ME NE FOTTE UN CAZZO.
Non era questo il "senso" del mio intervento.
Volevo solo ribadire che:
in questo forum se uno dice che si fa le seghe in vacanza spendendo soldi, VOI lo prendete per il culo (vedi Oscar).
Se uno dice che ha scopato con una certa facilità, VOI dite che è un cazzaro.
La verità è che in questo forum SIETE TUTTI PROFESSORI.
Bravi, solo pochissimi eletti hanno IL VERBO, tutti gli altri sono cazzari, GIUSTO?
13/09/2013 | 22:54
ma basta, piantala! Vuoi avere sempre tu l'ultima parola! Noi stiamo parlando di Minsk e della mentalità delle ragazze. Tu stai ancora a guardare quante ragazze si è trombato. Io ti indico il sole e tu guardi il dito.
Chiuso argomento.
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 23:00
Ma per chiarire la questione perchè non postate anche voi una recensione su Minsk così almeno ci sono più pareri e esperienze?
13/09/2013 | 23:06
monza | 36-50
ti quoto @StefanoMilan...questo dario hubner,mitico bomber del brescia anni passati,ha descritto la sua esperienza,e mi sembra veritiera,perchè non si è messo a scrivere,che ha scopato x 3 giorni consecutivi,senza vedere l luce del giorno...vedo ultimamente un accanimento verso nuovi 3d di gente nuova,certo magari scrive le solite cose,ma sembra esagerato ora,ridicolizzare il primo che si iscrive e prova a raccontare la propria esperienza...certo che di sapientoni ce ne sono a bizzeffe... [-(
la bava di bagascia,utile per ogni fregna del mondo intero
certe coppie sono assieme per lo stesso motivo che io quando cago,porto un giornale da leggere:solo per ammazzare il tempo...
to pay 4 to fuck.....
13/09/2013 | 23:21
Godetevi l'ultima avventura del vostro eroe, Rocco Siffredi di Roccacannuccia
Capo Moderatore
La Seduzione Del Drago
13/09/2013 | 23:27
@IlDrago: ma ripeto, se ritenete che siano sbagliate (legittimo), postate il vostro punto di vista con la vostra esperienza no?
Diversamente il messaggio che passa è lo sfottò e la provocazione a prescindere, soprattutto ai nuovi utenti o ai visitatori che quando vedono certi commenti magari gli passa la voglia di recensire (quella già poca che magari avevano)
13/09/2013 | 23:46
Comunque controllando in giro per internet, su Minsk si trovano esperienze assai più "di successo" rispetto a questa....e ogni tanto sono pure corredate di foto di ragazze stese sul letto mezze nude col nome dell'utente accanto alla foto o scritte da utenti "di lunga data" e assai stimati all'interno della community o ancora scritte con una ricchezza di dettagli sulla città e i locali che rendono improbabili il fatto che siano scritte da troll
Ora non voglio fissarmi o prendere Minsk come capro espiatorio perchè come ho detto la mia è una considerazione generale, ma ogni volta è sempre la stessa storia...magari cambiano gli utenti che intervengono per inveire, ma il messaggio è sempre lo stesso...se un visitatore o un utente legge, magari gli passa pure quella poca voglia che ha di recensire e scambiare informazioni visto come spesso vengono "liquidati" gli utenti che scrivono recensioni...difatti non c'è quasi più nessuno che posta qualcosa sull'est europa...
13/09/2013 | 23:55
ILDraGo ha dato molte informazioni utili su Minsk.
14/09/2013 | 00:06
@skopion: ma quelli sono commenti, come su questa discussione
Io mi riferisco proprio a una recensione, un data sheet...insomma come questo ad esempio:
First of all I tried to focus on the real deal : woman & game, if you want specific info on visa, Belarusian ruble (really worth to know) and other typical travel stuff visit the following site:
It’s my first data sheet posted here so I decided to write something about myself to let you know better what you are dealing here witch. I’m 25 year old, 184 cm/ 80 kg (I work out), dark hair, I get a lot of compliments from girls about my looks, and I’m pretty confident = I have the balls to come over and I don’t fear rejection, but that’s not what matters. I’d say that I’m a FSU veteran, with fluent Russian and game which was successively improving through last couple of years, mostly in Ukraine, Russia and obviously Poland. Here are my thoughts on my first trip to Minsk in Belarus during past June. I was accompanied with my Ukrainian friend ,business partner but also a guy with game unlike my second mate from Poland with no Russian and no game whatsoever but I thought I’d be fun and I’ll wing him up.
I had to wait for my single, personal Belarusian visa for a whole week (25 EUR). We started off from Kraków on Thursday afternoon and decided to use a car (friend volunteered to drive).Things were really going good, M1 Highway from polish border to Minsk is a road which is almost impossible to find in Ukraine or western Russia. But we decided to see the local life a bit, therefore we left the highway just for a 50 km trip. If u think that Ukraine is ghetto, than you should see this. The infrastructure is in a post soviet mess, the local roads are probably the worst I’ve ever seen in EE (mostly gravel).73 % of Belarusian population is urbanized, and at that time I clearly knew why, cuz If I had to live in Belarusian village I’d probably kill myself. The national average wage here is 340 USD = 270 EUR, that’s almost the same as in Ukraine (260 EUR) a bit less than in Russia (360 EUR) and 3 times less than in Poland (810 EUR). The inflation in Belarus in 2011 reached 108% can you even imagine that? It’s worth to add that Belarus is not a democratic country. It’s governed by the great dictator Alexander Lukashenko, who is constantly isolating Belarus from the rest of the world (except from Russia) and can already tell you this will come across in contacts with women. As we were passing by shithole after shithole my enthusiasm was going down stairs. I guess that in my friend’s black Merc CLS with Ukrainian license plate we looked like a Ukrainian government or mafia to the locals. It’s better to use train or just aircraft. After almost 10 hours of driving we reached Minsk. Thursday/Friday night, 2 hours after midnight. But there was no chance of hitting the city, we all were exhausted and my only dream was to finally lay down in bed.
1.8 million inhabitants , size of Warsaw, biggest in Belarus, capital city. Was exactly how I imagined it : post soviet architecture with lame statues, soviet city planning, sort of gloomy. It’s not even closed to the Kiev or Moscow in terms of prestige (but It a bit cleaner, I give them that much), you probably not going to find famous western brands here as well. Minsk isn’t a good place for investments either, simple because the free market rules don’t work here like they should especially for an outside investor, besides the country is corrupted (thank u Mr. president). Next interesting thing is that Minsk is probably the least visited European capital (due to political isolation, visas etc), therefore is the least westernized FSU capital. The results of this speak for themselves: ability of using English among Belarusians is even worst that in Russia or Ukraine. Couldn’t find the official numbers but from my short experience there I’d say that over 85% of population isn’t familiar with English, including young people, so those of you who don’t speak Russian are going to have a hard times there. On the bride side, Minsk is pretty damn cheap when it comes to petrol, smokes and alcohols (2 to even 5 times less than in PL). When it comes to accommodation & hotels things might get very different , cabs are as cheap as the petrol is. Alcohol is allowed to be consumed in the streets. Interesting thing is that under ages (less than 18) are not allowed to be alone in the streets of Minsk after 23.00. Oh yes and famous Militia, if you are familiar with FSU you probably know that it’s better to avoid those guys, simply because they like to play games with foreigners, especially with other races, and they are pretty much everywhere and they do not speak engilsh.
I’m gonna say this first off, I’m not a big fan of day game. Simply because I’m busy at work/travel during the whole week and don’t have time for that, I’m a typical night owl, so I didn’t focused on day game. But I can tell you the best places to do it : city centre square (lots of bored talent there), main street Prospekt Nezavisimosti (most famous shopping street) , amusements parks which are located all over the city or try to hit one of the couple of city’s Parks where in sunny days people are looking for shelter from heat. But trust me day game will be much harder here than in Poland, Russia or even Ukraine.
Eastern Slavic guys are the worst looking lads (in Europe) I know. Seriously, there is a huge difference between the appearance of western and eastern Slavs. You can separate easily for example Slovak from Russian by just looking at his face. Those guys are pretty much the same that in RUS/UKR (If u ever been there) it means that they dress terribly, got no sense of style, and their looks don’t really matter to them. However, if you were in FSU before, you probably know that in the clubs things can get very different (especially in the most prestigious ones) and your opponents will be rich, well dressed kids powered by oligarch-money of their parents. But the typical Belarusian guy from the street is just like I said earlier, plus he’s probably working his ass off during the week for shit money. I really felt like a celebrity there just with my casual clothes. It’s surely an advantage for day game, but back to Belarusians, they have no game. Their only game is a ‘game’ very common in all FSU countries : get drunk & try my luck. Average height is about 175 -180. They are rather passive, not really into cockblocking, up to a point when you try to pick up women that’s already taken, then things can get very nasty especially when they are intoxicated. But my overall impressions was surprisingly good : when introduced by some chick, they were very friendly, even called me a Polish comrade and offered me a vodka which I ofc couldn’t refuse to drink (that would be offensive).
Typical Slavic type of beauty with all its features, including perfect, long legs, hairs from blond to brunette (even more natural blonde babes than in Ukraine IMO), and other things which were discussed on this forum over zillion times and I don’t really wanna waste my time describing it over and over again or making some lame and idiotic generalizations, all I can say that their overall physical type is much more closer to the Ukrainian or even Polish than Russian. They dress just like expected. Height from 165 even to 180 + high heels). Other thing I noticed is there’s almost no obesity problem, almost all women in clubs were fit and feminine, looks like McDonald’s 0 – Lukashenko 1. Average girl in Minsk club is around 6 which is very good. There were tones of cute, nice looking 6 and 7 college girls, but I didn’t really bother, I got really high standards and I thought I had to try the very best of what Minsk got to offer, so I was approaching decent 8’s and above only and believe me there was plenty of them. From my point of view they are true sweethearts, all girls I talked to were truly interested in what I got to say even if it felt lame for me. I felt like a foreigner that comes to Poland, talks literal shit and somehow it always seem to work for him cuz the girl actually liked that stuff, now I got evidence on my own that this is actually working for a guy abroad, and this was truly something new comparing to Russia or Ukraine where if you try to pick up a 9 in a decent club, you can’t spill out this kind of bullshit. Next noticeable thing was that the girls weren’t interested in materiality and looks (in Russia, a 9 will notice your wristwatch, clothes etc) so it’s another feature of Belarusian beauties, which clearly is closer to the polish girls.
If you were already booking your flight to Minsk, you might want to read this as well. The weakest part of their body is clearly the face, I’ve seen so many superb-looking, tall women with a model figure, but when I saw the face it was like a straight right punch from Vladimir Klitschko right in my balls. There are no chances of picking up anything without just a basic Russian. Those chicks cannot talk English. Period. I talked to around 10 - 15 girls during the whole weekend and even if she was claiming that she speaks English, and I was using simple basic words, the conversation was going nowhere but downhill, until I started speaking in Russian. Maybe some younger, high school girls ( 20 and younger) were able to speak in English better but I’m very skeptical after of what I’ve seen. From all FSU women I can surely say that Belarusian women are the most conservative both the way they look and act. ONS almost don’t happen here. You are expected to take here on a date, surely more than one, so a weekend trip like mine is not a good idea, you might get disappointed, but as you will read below I managed to do quite fine. Another interesting thing you might wanna know is that unemployment among women here reaches 65 %. Why? The answer is simple, because the women are expected to be a housewife, and the man is the provider. Typical post soviet mentality. The girls are getting married here around 22 -25. Results? Belarus got one of the highest divorce rate in the whole wide World, over ½ of pairs decides to divorce. Ever wondered why you never hear about Belarusian students somewhere in the Europe? Belarus is the only European country that did not join the Erasmus students exchange program, so Belarusian college girls are nowhere to be found in Europe. As you can see the separation between Belarus and the rest of the Europe is huge. How do I know all of this? Keep reading.
Pretty good actually (as for an industrial hole). I managed to visit a 3 night clubs during the stay, but there are a lot more, maybe someone from the forum got some experience, but here are my thoughts:
Dozari – no.1 club in Minsk, considered as prestigious and exclusive, best looking woman (but men as well) and many of them speaks basic english, nice place, not that much crowded but neither empty. But from the other hand it’s probably most expensive and you have to pass the face control at the entrance, and I’m afraid that the ‘exotic looking’ lads might get some problems (kind of like shooters in Kiev). Entrance – 25 $. House/disco music, good vibe, liked it. Kind of remained me of Moscow.
Next – funny story, the club was actually located on the third floor at the hotel where we were residing in (Crowne Plaza). I discovered it incidentally and it was one hell of a surprise. Face control just like in the Dozari but I guess it’s less strict cuz many of clubbers were the hotels guests and it’s clear that most of them were foreigners. So basically a place to meet local and foreign women. Anyway my night always ended up there somehow. House music as well, entrance costed me 8 $. Golddigers alert.
Titan – located far from city centre, not that prestigious as the two above but that was the deal, almost no face control, many college girls, but the quality of them was also slightly worse. Yet another club with loud house music. Been there once. Can’t really remember how much was the entrance but probably less than 10 $.
As you can see I’ve chosen the best places, but that was my plan – if I had only 2,5 day I wanted to see the best stuff that the city has to offer. There are many places with free entrance, less expensive and so on, I am only concerned about the face control because it seems to me that it’s just literally everywhere, when I asked the locals about that the answer was clear and logical : to avoid prostitution and drug dealing inside of the clubs, I heard it was such a big deal back in the days, common and frequent that managers decided to deal with that once and for all. Anyway make sure you look sharp, don’t get shitfaced before going out and act normal.
You have to crack into the social circles which are as common here as in the whole FSU, but here it’s definitely harder here due to lack of English and weird mentality (maybe something like an introduction by the local would do the trick) . I hope you are able to separate a girl from her friend’s (they always come in groups here and mostly stick together) cuz believe me the jealous butterface friend is willing to cockblock and destroy your night. If you read my description carefully you probably got your own opinion about the women by now. My advice: be respectful, show your ‘good intentions’. If you can dance like a boss – show it. FSU guys cannot dance, so they mostly don’t even try. Stay calm, cool and collected, it’s not Ibiza and you can’t show off like a clown here cuz this will attract only… some intoxicated Belarusian guys. Ofc confidence is the key, accompanied with patience and persistence. Showing yourself as a someone outside, the girls will be both curious and distrustful, so you need to establish how far you can get. Anyway this isn’t a newbie territory, girls are rather shy, closed and conservative. You are probably asking yourself now ‘Why bother, when I can simply go to Ukraine and get laid 5 times more without that much effort?’ Well, honestly I can’t answer you that, cuz probably you are right. Arriving here for the women is like playing your favorite video game at hardcore mode, which can be both frustrating and annoying, but when you finally complete it, you just smile and know it was worth it.
I’ll spare you the boring Friday afternoon, like I said before I wasn’t day gaming, I did though bet my polish friend 100 euro that there’s no way he can obtain a phone number on the Minsk streets. Yep, you are probably guessing right, I’m 100 ahead, but it was truly hilarious to watch him struggling. In a restaurant I asked very cute waitress where is a good place for some Friday night action, she told me that she’s going to Titan club with some friends, so we decided to hit it as well. Arrived there minutes before 23. It was packed like hell, but the worst thing was the F/M ratio – too many sweated men, plus so fucking loud house music that I could barely heard my own thoughts. After less than half hour of mostly observing we decided to leave that place and go straight to Dozari. It was like a trip from hell to heaven, I already liked that place, and the quality of women was much, much higher. I had a simple plan – SNL. I opened three girls (one by one not a set) but each time I wasn’t able to close the deal properly. Body language was good, I built attraction each time, obtained two close kisses but in the end they always insisted on giving me their numbers and going out some next time. I realized that the problem wasn’t me but them. I could spent some more time witch each one of them and maybe things would go different, but I was on a limited time and I thought that I’d finally find the one. But then my polish friend came up and told me he found and talked to a polish girl here, I followed him, he wasn’t lying. Girl named Julia, Belarusian but with polish background was having a birthday party. She truly could speak polish but not really that much. I was introduced to all her friends and suddenly I was in the centre of attention, spelling my trash talk about Poland and as I mentioned earlier they like it a lot. After a while I spotted one of the party crew girls who clearly wasn’t having a good time, sitting in the lodge, with nose up and a bitch look on her face, but damn she was hot as hell (23yo, 175, blonde, great figure, light eyes, beautiful face – true 9). I opened her with a silly line “A może ty mówisz po polsku”? She smiled and said “не” – I knew that the game was on. She turned out to be a history student, so I started arguing in a playful way about Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. When I was about to close she told me she has to leave cuz she was not feeling well, and that’s why she wasn’t having a good time, and the only reason she stayed for that long was me, we exchanged numbers, and she promised that we’ll met the next day (basically it meant we can fuck tomorrow) , and she can show me the city. I had too much, left the club right after her, took the cab and got back to hotel. Then I spotted party-head people in front of it, so I ask what was up with them, they answered me that there’s a fine club inside, on the third floor called ‘Next’. I was like LOL are u fucking kidding me? I had to check it out. I barely passed the entrance (they smelled the alcohol from mile away, but eventually let me in only cuz I was the hotel guest and I gave both of the bouncers 10 $ extra). It was after 3 so there weren’t many people left. I got sort of lucky. I literally bumped into fine brunette girl, at the bar, she was by herself, nothing spectacular, but a decent, mature (older than me for sure) 7. She turned out to be a Russian guest of the hotel, taking care of a business in Minsk. When she called me ‘a true first real man this night’ I knew I won’t fail this time. I didn’t even have to work on that one, she proposed a drinking game, I escalated quickly and we close the deal in her hotel room. That was the first day and night. I got laid, but that wasn’t really what I expected. The next day I met my blonde beauty. Took her for a diner. It was sort of a date I guess. We talked and she told me most of the stuff I shared with you above. She told me she was afraid of her future. When a young person In Belarus wants to study at University (which is very expensive) there are two choices : simply pay for it or study for free, but when you finally get your degree, your ass belongs to the country and you have to pay it back with your work for your studies. She was worrying that she will end up in some shithole near Russian border, teaching village kids history, and marrying a savage. She turned out to be smart and funny, a true LTR material, unlike most of polish girls of her beauty which are dumb and vain as fuck. I realized how hard it was to live there.
Anyway, I invited her to my hotel that night, we went to Next, and there was no turning back for her, but as expected there wasn’t any resistance this time. I did her that night and that’s how I got my Belarusian flag. We are still texting each other even now, after almost month. After Sunday morning breakfast, we head off back to Kraków. My Ukrainian friend claimed he got a bj in a toilette of some African-looking club and bunch of unuseful numbers, and the polish one well, he got wasted two nights straight, but he was happy anyway so good for him.
I feel sorry for you Belarus, I feel sorry for all the beautiful women wasting their potential in this shithole , for the dictator and his propaganda who clearly washes everyone’s brains up. Belarus is a country of paradoxes, definitely not a place to live in. The only thing that makes me wanna come back there are the women. I hope you enjoyed my data sheet as much as I enjoyed their company. It was a short but very useful experience. I’ll make some updates and more thoughts after my return there in early September.
14/09/2013 | 00:13
si, ma è stato più utile lui che questo romanzo in lingua inglese :))
Le altre informazioni questo tizio le ha prese su http://wikitravel.org/en/Belarus
Devi andare solo a Minsk per conosce la verità
Leggi le recensioni ESCORT e non farti fregare, trova la ESCORT nella tua cittàgorgibus
14/09/2013 | 00:17
Tu, secondo me, hai ragione.
Purtroppo, però, è inutile insistere con i PROFESSORONI del forum.
Qui ci sono dei nomi INTOCCABILI che NON sbagliano MAI.
Secondo la Loro logica, gli altri sono solo delle comparse che farebbero bene a tacere.
Fa' come faccio io: non ti curar di lor, ma guarda e passa.
14/09/2013 | 00:41
@skopion: ognuno ha la sua verità, quell'utente ha raccontato la sua esperienza in cui in 2 giorni se ne è trombate 2, dai dettagli che ha inserito nella recensione si fa fatica a prenderla per falsa e difatti nessuno in quel forum (enormemente più grande di questo) ha nemmeno lontanamente sostenuto che la recensione fosse falsa anzi i commenti sono stati: "grande!" "stupenda recensione!!" e tutti hanno ringraziato....si capisce la differenza di "clima" che c'è tra questo forum in cui tutti (soprattutto i nuovi) vengono presi a offese e provocazioni e altri forum?
Poi non c'è da stupirsi se qui nessuno scrive recensioni e altrove sono pieni di recensioni...
Con ciò non sto dicendo che non si deve controbattere a una recensione eh, ma ci sono modi diversi per farlo
P.S: le info non sono assolutamente prese da wiki, leggi bene o se vuoi ne posto altre che sono pure più lunghe e dettagliate di quella e il rate di successo è addirittura migliore
@gorgibus: la penso come te, io cerco di farlo capire ma alcuni sono sordi...se il clima non migliora alla fine rimarranno 7-8 utenti a scambiarsi video OT e sfottersi tra di loro
Quasi tutti quelli di "vecchia data" e che leggevo all'inizio non scrivono più...basta cliccare sui profili e vedere quanti utenti iscritti dal 2011 sono rimasti...quasi nessuno